Risk of entering into lifetime trust arrangements

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A recent media article has highlighted the risk of entering into lifetime trust arrangements, particularly regarding the family home. At Neale Turk LLP we have sadly encountered many cases similar to those highlighted in this article and we have worked with our clients to mitigate the often significant additional tax charges which would potentially arise if the trusts were left in place.

You can read the article here:

The scandal of the ‘worthless’ family trusts sold to beat inheritance tax

We would caution against entering into any trust structure without taking legal advice from a recognised expert. Charlotte Searle at Neale Turk LLP is accredited by Lifetime Lawyers as a qualified and experienced solicitor, authorised to provide expert advice on inheritance tax and trusts. She is also recognised in the Legal 500 directory of leading lawyers for her work on litigation matters, which includes securing compensation for clients who have been negligently advised in relation to trusts, Wills and inheritance tax.

For further information you can contact Charlotte Searle on 01252 811070.

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